Sunday, August 2, 2009

in all things

every being
holds a mirror up to you
asking you to see in it
a sacred reflection

the reward of humility
is the glimmer of Godliness
in all things

they will never be alone
who can find something to love
in each curious knick-knack
at this garage sale

Saturday, August 1, 2009

it's raining outside
the prayer of thirsty plants

before i got here
i was in Light
did i make
the stupidest decision
to leave it?

what could be worth
this ache of separation?
what seeing creature
would tie his own blindfold
only to trip and stumble
and fall?

i am in a jail of my
own making
the pleasure of conjugal visits
once glimpses into freedom
now leave me feeling

i wonder
why i chose this