Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009


pour what you can
into this leaking bucket
so that for a short time
it'll remember what full feels like

Thursday, October 15, 2009

melting ice

you study the portrait
of your face
in a frozen mirror

focus your gaze
into the depths
below your feet
and lose yourself
in wonderment

let your narcissism melt
in the heat of passion
and you will drown

Sunday, August 2, 2009

in all things

every being
holds a mirror up to you
asking you to see in it
a sacred reflection

the reward of humility
is the glimmer of Godliness
in all things

they will never be alone
who can find something to love
in each curious knick-knack
at this garage sale

Saturday, August 1, 2009

it's raining outside
the prayer of thirsty plants

before i got here
i was in Light
did i make
the stupidest decision
to leave it?

what could be worth
this ache of separation?
what seeing creature
would tie his own blindfold
only to trip and stumble
and fall?

i am in a jail of my
own making
the pleasure of conjugal visits
once glimpses into freedom
now leave me feeling

i wonder
why i chose this

Saturday, July 25, 2009

warm soup

fill me
with warm soup
ladled from your
percolating heart

i crave the broth
that only you brew
because you know
my likes and aversions
without asking

whims of
my fickle tastebuds
you dissipate
with a salve
of patience

hold the spoon
up to my lips
and gently pour
into my
longing soul

quickly catch those
mischievous runaway
with the
and a smile

why i turn to
this blissful nourishment
so rarely
i can't explain

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

if you think of yourself
as a body
then it's easy to believe
that you are distinct from other

look again
through the strongest
magnifying glass
and your garment

and you'll see
a whack of empty space
with the occasional planet
whizzing by

every knot tells
the story of the universe
written in full
like a fractal in bloom
dripping with fresh paint

of all fabrics
the cloth of creation
was sewn out of retina
so it could
behold itself
in eerie

and as the edges tatter
and fray
the threads are
moistened in His lips
passed again
through the eye of a holy needle
to take new shape
in His marvelous carpet

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I look at you
and I can't stop
grinning and
it's starting to ache

my arms are at my sides
so you can't see
the sweat
that betrays
my giddiness

i hear
the hummmm
of one billion synapses
assembling a worthy
to offer you
when it's my turn to speak again

but for now
i'm breathing slowly

i'm listening to you
looking at you
your neck
your chin

i agonize over
how to spend
this chance to linger
do i choose
your lips
your eyes?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

You are
a cup of Ocean


filled with pure

yet you are separate
from the sparkling expanse
that you were

your composition is the same
but you can't get
in the dark depths

don't evaporate
before someone knocks you over
and somehow a path
leads you back